Thursday, 18 June 2015

Last minute Fathers day fun

If you are looking for a last minute fathers day gift and you have young children, here's a great ideal .
When are two oldest were young (before our youngest was born)we made a Fathers day hand print shirt .  It's easy and all you need is a quick trip to Michaels crafts for supplies and than you can paint away.  My husband still has that Fathers day gift that is now 20 years old.

Another great ideal our beautiful Superkids leader did with the kids was to paint picture frames that the kids could put their favorite picture in and give to dad

Have a blessed Father's Day and don't forget you are never too old, to give dad a bear hug and butterflies kisses

TLA'S TIP - Don't forget to give Michael's your e-mail address ,so you can get great saving coupons and they have wifi 😜

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Pancake Muffins

This morning I tried twice to cook my gluten free pancakes in my stainless steel pan. After to sticky messes I though I would give it a go with my muffin tins. 
I sprayed my tins and cut a circle out of parchment than sprayed again.
I set my oven to 350 and cooked for about 10 minutes than checked the middle with a toothpick . 
It worked out great .

Cutting a circle out of parchment is a life saver for muffins and cupcakes
Don't forget to re spray after you place the parchment.
Also after muffins cool don't forget to place a knife between the muffin and tin and circle with the knife to loosen from edges. 

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Save while shopping

The next time you venture out to Superstore look for the 30%off racks.
You can use 30% off  bananas to make banana bread. I also found 30% off apples to make my husbands favorite Apple pie. It's great savings if you are going to use up right away .

Also don't miss out on the 30% off  bakery items. What I love about this,is most of the baked goods  can be put in your freezer and taken out later. 

Monday, 8 June 2015

Let Go and Let GOD

Work at living your live with no regrets. Let go what you need to let Go of. Repair what you need to repair and forgive what needs to be forgiven . 
Than just let go and Let God fill you with that supernatural peace that passes human understanding .
Let go and let God

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Me(Or You)

Thank God I am not who I used to be. I work everyday to become the new and improved ME.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Which wolf do you feed?(Tomorrowland)

Tomorrowland wolves story

In the movie Tomorrowland the main character Casey ,reminds her father of a story he has used to inspire her in trying times.

There were two very different types of wolves. 

One was dark and full of despair, and the other wolf was light and full of hope and heart. 
The two wolves will always fight,but which one wins?
"The wolf that wins is the one you feed."says Casey with a knowing smile

Which wolf do you feed when your situation seems hopeless?

Monday, 1 June 2015

Kale on demand

Did you know you can freeze Kale. 
Well my cousin Tina told me and I believed her and it is a great money saving tip.
Wash, dry, break in small pieces put in a freezer bag label and seal.
Put in your freezer and take out desires amount to put in your fruit and veggie shake. 
PC freezer bags are great and will save you money.