Thursday, 17 July 2014

Your best Summer cooking friend

If you don't have a slow cooker/crock pot you need to stop what you are doing and go get one . 
When it is already so hot in your house you want to stick your head in the freezer you don't want to heat the house up even more by turning on the oven . 
Also cooking in this handy device will save you time and money.
You can prepare a meal the night before and put the inside of the crock pot in your fridge and take it out in the morning and plug it in and set it on low or for between 4-10 hours and enjoy your meal when you arrive home . 
You can prepare chicken ,roast ,spaghetti sauce ,stews and many more of your favourite meals.
It will also save you money because when you are on your way home and exhausted from your busy day and think "I don't feel like cooking I will just pick up some fast food. "
Instead you will say" I am so glad I put something in the crock pot so I don't have to waste my time and money at the drive through window . "
So get your creative juices flowing and get crocking ,get it ,get cracking get crocking ha ha . I though it was funny
Have fun my darlings 

Easy pita pizza

All you need is cheese sauce pita and /or meat veggies or whatever your favourite topping
Put your pita on parchment paper or foil tray and add sauce. I like to use my left over spaghetti sauce
Add your favourite cheese
Add meat or favourite topping and cook at 350 for about 10 minutes
And there you have it and fast and easy lunch or supper .

Summer fun-Take a drive to Canmore

We starting going to Canmore years ago instead of  Banff because we wanted to save some money by not paying the fee at the park gates.
Well we feel in love with Canmore and we haven't been back to Banff in years
There are many little trails to walk on that you can acess right from downtown .
In the summer there is a great Farmers market in downtown Canmore. 
I love to walk along policemens creek have lunch or a tea and to look at all the great stores. 
O'Canada soapworks and Arty farty are my favorite stores
Just put Canmore Alberta into the great google and you will find many fun activities all year round. 
So what's stopping you?
it's only about an hour of a beautiful drive from Calgary
Go and be in awe of all the beauty of a trip to the mountains
Go and breath and have some fun
That mountain air will relax and refresh you

Homemade Oreo Sundaes

So easy and so yummy and fat free(not)
All you need is frozen yogurt ( a lilttle less calories)
Oreo cookies
Chocolate and butterscotch  syrup 
Whip cream and cherries

Take your Oreo cookies and blend them to crumbs in a blender or crush them with a rolling bin between two pieces of parchment or wax paper. 
After they are crushed you will use them to layer your sundae with.
Add either chocolate or butterscotch first on the bottom than Oreo crumbs than frozen yogurt and repeat. 
One you get to the top add whip cream cherries and whole cookie just because it makes it look fancy.
Add or take away 
Make it your own. 
Shop for fun glasses at the dollar store to make these in. 
And most of all have fun.
P.S You may want to go for a walk after you eat this lol

Homemade Quesadillas

This is so easy. All you need is a frying pan or cookie sheet
Whole wheat tortilla wrap
Salsa (homemade or bought )
Hamburger or chicken  mixed with taco spice

Lay out  tortilla on parchment paper on cookie sheet
Parchment is my best cooking friend . 
It saved clean up time and you don't have to use cooking sprays or oils to prevent what your making from sticking  
Spread on cheese evenly 
Than spread  salsa on top of cheese
Add fried hamburger meat or chicken
You can buy taco seasoning at any grocery store and just follow direction on the package 
Add a layer of cheese and put another tortilla  on top .
Bake at 350 for about 7-10 minutes or until golden brown.
You will need to lift up a bottom corner to check this 
Once it looks good, turn it over and cook for another 7-10 minute.
You always want to make sure the cheese is the first and the last thing you put on before you add the second tortilla because the cheese acts like a glue and will make it stick together for easier turning over  
I do have cheese on top of mine, but I like less cheese, more veggies.
I make my own salsa with tomatos peppers, garlic, cloves, red onions parsley, basil, salt and a teaspoon of olive oil.
Feel free to add in hot peppers. 
My tummy doesn't do hot spices so experiment add or take away . 
In the summer when you don't want to heat up the house with your oven do this in a frying pan instead . 
Spray your pan with oil 
Add tortilla shell
Put your ingredients in 
Top with second tortilla shell and keep checking bottom by lifting up a corner
Turn over when golden brown and wait until the other side is golden brown than remove 
Cut and enjoy
Make it your own and have fun
Add any tofu regular or lactate free sour cream, more salsa and avocado to add color and the yum factor . Enjoy and have fun.